Alfaisal International Acadimy

Cyber ​​Security Diploma

Mid-term cybersecurity diploma General objective: This program aims to qualify the trainee to work in the field of cybersecurity, and obtain the fifth level of the National Professional Qualifications System.

Intensive English Language program

The Intensive English language Program at Al-Faisal International Academy is divided into 6 courses of 2 levels each. Hence, there are 12 levels in total. Study period is 4 weeks per level, 5 days a week & 4-hours every day.

Certified Digital Marketing Professional (CDMP v11)

Get in the game and become an in-demand Certified Digital Marketing Professional by understanding the fundamentals of digital marketing and gaining an understanding of the key digital specialisms, from mobile and social media marketing to email, YouTube & display advertising, PPC and SEO.

Certified Marketing Management Professional

“Certified Professional in Marketing Management” is an international professional certificate that is globally recognized.

Power BI

Extensive training in using Microsoft Power BI to import and analyze data and create charts and graphs with hands-on exercises for real-life case studies

Power BI - copy

Extensive training in using Microsoft Power BI to import and analyze data and create charts and graphs with hands-on exercises for real-life case studies


As Al-Faisal International Academy is keen on developing the training and teaching, and providing international training courses to raise the quality of training and to match the global development, a CELTA course (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) has been conducted at the Academy's headquarters in Riyadh.